Transcript of Videotape Series | Session 3 of 12 |
Beyond Human -- The Last Call - Session 3 (60 Min)
Student: Ok. Would you like to discuss the difference between the soul and the mind and the vehicle?
Do: Ok, that's a big one. I don't know where we'll get, if we'll get past that one. The soul, the mind, the vehicle. Even though we've discussed it a little bit before, we use the reference to this body that we're wearing - this flesh and bones - we use the term "vehicle" because it helps us separate from the body. So, vehicle, or sometimes historically in religious literature it is referred to as a "vessel." Whether it's a "vehicle" or "vessel," the term helps to get out of identifying with it. Where we get into trouble is when we identify and call this "me," because this is certainly not me if the soul has awakened. This is just a suit of clothes that I'm wearing, and at times it can be an encumbrance for me. It can be something that I don't want to identify with. It has its own desires. It's kind of like a living computer that doesn't ever quite shut down. Even when it's in a sleep state, it doesn't quite shut down. And it has desires that manifest in ways of wanting certain foods, or wanting certain experiences, or wanting to indulge in certain habits that it had been subjected to. It wants to do repeat performances in those habits, whether it's food or going places or seeing things or attachments or addictions. So, we'll use the term "vehicle" when we speak of the body that we're wearing.
Now, the soul. What is the soul? That's a good one. The description that we've been given to picture or illustrate the soul in trying to understand its relationship to the vehicle is to think of the soul as a "pillowcase" or a "container," even though it's an invisible container. It's a container that encompasses the space that the body takes up. Sometimes we feel that it encompasses even a little outside the space that the vehicle has. It's like a pillowcase or a container for the mind. So, if we're talking about vehicle, soul, and mind, then the flesh body is just a suit of clothes - a vehicle. The real "me" is the identity that I have awakened to that I know goes on, because I know that this vehicle is perishable, it can fall apart, it can die, it can return to dust, it can get completely put out of commission on the freeway. But "I" am something that does not die on the freeway. I am something that goes on. I am something that has more existence, even if the extent of your understanding of that is to think that, after the vehicle dies, the soul goes to Heaven. We'll discuss where it goes, depending on where you think it's going to go.
But here we're talking about identity or definition of terms. This is not me. This is my suit of clothes or this is my vehicle. I am the soul. Now, what is in the soul, or what occupies the soul is mind. My mind? No, not my mind. I don't have any mind. So, what am I? Well, I'm the little switch inside that pillowcase, or that container, that chooses what goes in it. What goes in the soul, what mindstuff goes in the soul? If you go to the originator, as far as I'm concerned, or you're concerned, or these students are concerned, or anybody that's listening to us is concerned, there are only two sources - originators - of the mind that is available to us: the mind of the opposition (Satan) and his world, or the Truth, which comes from the Creator, the Kingdom of Heaven. Now, this is not truth in a philosophical sense, not truth in a religious sense, it's Truth in truth sense, as far as what really is - the accurate information, as far as you can understand. Of course, "accurate" changes as you learn more. Something becomes outdated as soon as you get some new information. As close as we can get to the Truth, the real Truth only comes from the source of the Creator, the Kingdom of Heaven.
Don't forget, we've talked about the member of that Kingdom of Heaven who was a soul, an advanced soul, in the Kingdom of Heaven. He separated from his Older Member, or from his Heavenly Father, went his own way, and formed his own "corporation." He had his own followers. He didn't like the definition of terms. He had a new truth. He was a counterfeit. Now, this gets into kind of a funny idea that some literature seems to suggest, that he is a "copycat" of Jesus. He is the counterfeit of Jesus. He's always trying to imitate Jesus. We certainly can't go wrong by looking at it from that point of view. I don't know if that in actuality occurred, but it certainly has been occurring ever since there was a Jesus, and, I would imagine, even before someone appeared on the scene 2000 years ago that was identified as Jesus. Before we had that identity of Jesus, Satan, or Lucifer, did identify as a separateness, a different kind of thinking, a different definition of terms - therefore, a mind other than the Creator's mind.
So remember, we've discussed how Satan, or Lucifer, and his camp are aggressors. They're not shy. They don't wait to be asked. They fill your head with ideas all the time and you think that you're having them, that these are your thoughts. The only thing that you can really identify with as "you" is when you question yourself as, "What am I looking for"? That's getting into the department of options or choices, which I know on our list of questions here is going to throw things off, because I'm suddenly getting into what is "free will."
People talk about "free will" as a doctrine or a concept. Free will is something that I have that I cannot get rid of. It is mine forever. As long as I exist, I have free will. Now believe it or not, Luci sees the Kingdom of Heaven as interfering with your free will. The opposite of that is true. The Kingdom of Heaven, even though it does try to get your mind off of yourself and bring you into the mind, the understanding, the knowledge that is in the Kingdom of Heaven, our Heavenly Father's Kingdom tries to liberate you from the misunderstanding, the wrong definition of terms, the wrong concepts, and bring you to the Truth - tries to liberate you from things that have held you in ignorance.
If there's one sin that Luci participates in - and all of his followers - more than anything else, it's misinformation, it's wrong usage of terms. Getting your eyes focused on, oh-oh, I was about to say, "the wrong god." Because Luci doesn't hesitate, he's not afraid of being blasphemous. He's not afraid to sell you a concept of god. He's not afraid of selling you a concept of Jesus that is completely off base.
Okay, we'll go back and review just for a moment. Vehicle - flesh body - nothing but a suit of clothes. Even though it does have expressions of desires and lusts and things that "I" have to completely ignore. I don't even listen to those thoughts. One of my tasks in overcoming is overcoming listening to any voices or any impulses that this body would give to me. In the early stages of that overcoming, I might hear that impulse, might hear it two or three times. I might even give in to it, and then be sorry that I gave in to it. So, I say, "Next time I'm not going to give in to it." The next time I hear the impulse of the body as it was asking for something that I had been told or been taught was inappropriate for me to participate in, I am a little bit more restrictive as to what I let the body get away with the second time. Eventually, if I'm getting control and I'm learning my lessons, because the way the Kingdom of Heaven helps us in our lessons is to continue to send us - the negative? Yes, it continues to send us the negative in order to give us - what do we have that's ours that we can't get rid of? - option, free will. The choice to accept the negative, listen to it, or get rid of it, control it, eliminate it. Now, that's a lot of steps of growth from first hearing it express itself and giving into it some and then regretting it. And so, when you regret it, then you go back and say, "Oh I'm sorry that I gave into it, can I start afresh"? - which is the same thing as saying, "Can I be forgiven? I want to conquer this thing, I don't want to just be victimized by the desires of this flesh or this body." Now, this is separate from the imposing mind of Luci or someone in the invisible who is assigned by Luci to get me off the path. And there is someone assigned by Satan, his camp, to get me back into their "corporation," into their philosophy, into their way of life, because the whole setup, the whole structure of this planet in this Age has become the way of thinking, the activities, the definition of terms of Satan's camp. That is what it has become. Didn't have to become that. It has become that. That's a condition. Our Heavenly Father has permitted it to become that because He gives us the knowledge of how to see it as that, how to work against it, how to even overcome it, how to rise above it.
In a sense, our Heavenly Father permits Luci to send someone to stay close to us, to keep an eye on us, to hammer on our heads, to even use the vehicle to send us impulses that we don't want to give into. In other words, to constantly challenge us, the free will, the choice maker, the one who can opt. Don't forget, we've got this awkwardness here. Here's this mind assigned by Luci's camp here, and this flesh here, imposing ideas on us that we didn't ask for. They just impose them on us. And then in order to engage the help we have from the Next Level, or our Heavenly Father's Kingdom, we have to engage asking for help. We have to acknowledge to our Heavenly Father's Kingdom and whatever help He has given to us that, "I listened to this impulse of the vehicle," or "I listened to that influence give me these thoughts, and Oh! They aren't your thoughts. I didn't get them from you. Help me not do that"! And so, when you ask for help, you get help, from your Teacher saying, "Well, I thought I had gone over that with you. I'll go over it with you better, and maybe give you more ammunition in warding off the imposition of those uninvited thoughts that encourage you into activity that is not from the Kingdom of Heaven."
Well, that's it in a nutshell as far as separating the flesh, or the vehicle, from the soul, that invisible pillowcase or container for mindstuff, realizing that mindstuff really comes from only two sources. But if you say, for example, if this whole corporation has many, many people working in it, and they work on many, many, many projects, then there are going to be a lot of different thoughts at different levels that come in that are from our Father's Kingdom, and therefore, that mindstuff is from our Father's Kingdom. Don't forget, that mindstuff comes only on the basis of our asking, our pursuing it, our desiring it. All this other mindstuff - from this great big "corporation," that's a giant "corporation," has many, many, many members working in it - is in opposition to our Father's Kingdom. One source (Lucifer) is the aggressor, and is constantly laying on humans what he considers the truth to be. The other source is the Creator, the One that created Truth, even the Truth itself, even the understanding, even the concept, but doesn't force it on humans. All right, do you see the conflict? That's what we're up against.
Another thing we had to take into account here is, the stronger I get, the better I get at my little choices. By learning this procedure of working against the negative, asking for help, and receiving it from the positive, or from our Heavenly Father's Kingdom, each time I go a step further and become more putty in the hands of this Kingdom. Because I'm trying to become a part of that Household, I have to get rid of individuality in the things that separate me from it, which Lucifer's camp considers to be good things - individuality and separateness and "do your own thing." Each time I get a little further, or a little closer to my Heavenly Father's Kingdom, what happens? Luci's "corporation" fires the guy that I overcame and sends a stronger one, a better one with more tricks up his sleeve than the one I previously had. And our Father's Kingdom says, "Don't worry. Don't worry. I even created those guys. I even created the options that they could take in going awry. I am the only Creator. So, for each right word or right definition of term, I also created a number of wrong definitions of terms that shouldn't have been used, but were there as options."
Wow! That gets into a big picture. How could that Creator have created everything that was good and created everything that was evil? No! Did not create one iota that was evil. But did create complete potential for evil, in order that we still have the capacity to maintain the one thing that He did give to us, that is us, that we can't even get rid of - free will, the choice of what direction we go.
Okay, what do you have on your list? Let's take our next question.
Student: I was wondering if you'd want to explain the difference in the terms Life and Death.
Do: Okay, that's an appropriate next question. Boy! Does that really fit with what we've just been talking about. Luci has this Age, this world, this society out there, as far as I know on every hemisphere, believing that death is the death of the vehicle - the death of the body. And that life is coming in at birth through a birth canal - that that is life and losing this is death. That didn't come from our Father's Kingdom. That's one of Luci's definitions. Study your Bible if you want to learn the proper usage of those words, and you'll very quickly learn the way our Father's Kingdom defined "death," in relating to humans, even in the Old Testament and even in the New Testament. Well, it's easier to describe death by saying that if someone expresses something that is not true, and has "bought into" the camp of misinformation, that individual is in a dead condition by the standard of our Father's Kingdom. That individual gets life once he goes out of Luci's camp and comes into this one. Or the reverse: if he's in this camp and he goes into Luci's, he becomes among the dead. If he comes in contact with someone from our Father's Kingdom, he recognizes that this is the Truth and he starts to go with it, then he has begun to taste of Life. Therefore, Truth and Life are synonymous, as far as terminology usage in our Father's Kingdom is concerned. So, death and misinformation are synonymous.
Let's go back to the previous question we were talking about. What's in this soul or this "pillowcase" for mindstuff? It's never all from our Father's Kingdom. It's never all from the misinformation camp, or from Satan's world. It's a composite. It's percentages. If I have enough of our Father's Kingdom's mind in there that I can begin to utilize it a little bit and it begins to shine through a little bit, then I'm not totally dead. And if I continue to engage it, then I begin to come more into Truth, more into Life, even though I've got a heavy percentage of misinformation still in there. You don't get knowledge from the Kingdom of Heaven by "Oh, I'm going to give you this beautiful thought, and this is knowledge." You get knowledge, you get lessons, you get information mainly by hard knocks. And the more you ask for knowledge, the more you ask for lessons, the more you ask for situations that will bring the Truth to you, the more you ask for every one of those, you're thrust into a situation and a circumstance where you're tested and, uh oh, you're tested. What am "I"? "I'm" the one who has free will. "I'm" the one that can take that situation and say, "Oh, this is horrible! What has happened to me? I'm set back. My world has crumbled." Or I can say, "Goodness, I didn't ask for this. This happened to me in spite of my not wanting it to happen to me. So, where's the positive in it"? And so I turn and I ask my Heavenly Father, or the closest contact I have, whatever I can use as my point of reference to the Kingdom of Heaven, knowing that I can easily speak to the Kingdom of Heaven and be addressing the wrong crowd, because they present themselves as the Kingdom of Heaven. But if I'm asking for Truth, if I'm asking for anything and everything that separates me from the Most High God, from the Creator, then I begin to get another lesson. I get another confrontation, I get another experience that jolts me, that would at first, initially, affect me adversely. And these guys over here in Lucifer's camp are going to say, "Ah ha! See, I told you what would happen to you if you stay on that path." They would have it seem to me that it was a negative. And yet if I say, "I am sure this wouldn't be happening to me if it wasn't good. I can find the good in it if I ask." That's true, it always works. That little saying...where did that saying come from, "All things work together for good to those who love the Lord"? Might as well put "True Lord" in that, because then it would certainly work. What was your question again?
Student: Well, if you could explain the difference in the terms Life and Death.
Do: Okay. I think we should go a little further with that. Life and Death. I can't say strongly enough that death of the vehicle, death of the body, or losing the body, losing the vehicle, essentially has no long-term effect on "me." It can put me out of a classroom circumstance for a period of time. Now, this gets into a discussion of, when I'm out of body, if I'm connected with our Heavenly Father's Kingdom, there are a number of choices that our Heavenly Father's Kingdom can make. He reads me out in His computer, and he looks on His meter and he says, "That soul's worth saving. It just got kicked out of that vehicle in that accident on the freeway. It certainly isn't just waste. It certainly still has some goodness in it. So, we're going to put it aside over here, or we're going to 'put it on ice,' so to speak, or we're going to save it in some condition."
In other words, our Heavenly Father's Kingdom can actually take that soul, set it aside, and wait until they feel it is the appropriate time to put it back into the Earth condition, into the classroom condition, into the human kingdom. Think of the human kingdom as a stepping stone on your way into our Heavenly Father's Kingdom, if you make the right pursuits. Because you can also go through that human kingdom and, with the wrong pursuits, get out of that kingdom and be in an advanced human kingdom that's outside the Age of the Earthly environment you knew and can be seen as "heaven," and other humans may see you as a heavenly creature with heavenly skills and heavenly capacities, but it won't be our Father's Kingdom. And you could move into a camp that will easily take the responsibility of creating religions and all of that. They also will give you concepts of life extension. Now, there's a big difference in what this other camp calls "life" - the reason this terminology of "death" and "life" got all messed up in the beginning.
In our Father's Kingdom, when you really get to be a full-fledged or "badge-wearing" member in our Father's Kingdom - not in the human kingdom, but having graduated from the human kingdom - and you are in our Father's Kingdom, you take on a suit of clothes. You take on a vehicle that is imperishable and incorruptible. As long as it is sustained in an advanced, incorruptible, imperishable environment, it cannot be destroyed. You have eternal life. Not only does the soul have life, but you can wear a vehicle that, for all intents and purposes, doesn't need to decay. It doesn't have any age, it doesn't come from a baby, it doesn't get old and need to be changed out for another one. There's no loss of consciousness. It doesn't mean that it can't be hurt and discarded. In certain circumstances it can be injured, it can be hurt, it can be lost. And you can go to "wardrobe" and pick up another one. And there you have a new set of clothes - to the best of our understanding, you would never again experience loss of consciousness because all that is "you" is that soul in there which still has control of free will, that can make choices, that can recognize "mindstuff" as it comes from our Father's Kingdom, and is trying more and more to eliminate the "mindstuff" that comes from Luci's corporation, his misinformation camp. So, the human body dying, or losing the body, is not true death any more than when a tulip plant, as a perennial, comes above the surface, and the freeze comes, does that plant die? No. Only what showed died. But what still remained was, in a sense, the genetic package of the soul, the continued existence, or the further opportunity for the soul to take a shell in order to learn lessons.
Souls and spirits in a discarnate condition cannot learn lessons. That's the way our Heavenly Father has designed it. They cannot learn lessons. Even Luci's camp knows there are limitations to what a soul can learn in the discarnate condition. What do we mean by "discarnate"? We're speaking of a soul or a spirit outside of a vehicle. Whether it's a vehicle in the human kingdom or a vehicle in the Kingdom of Heaven. The discarnate can serve Luci's camp. He can be someone that can be standing right here beside me at this moment from Luci's camp, trying to interrupt my thinking, trying to get me off track, trying to get me to stop asking questions as we talk to my Father and to interfere with this task. And I'm sure there's one standing here at this moment, even though I don't like to acknowledge his presence. It interferes with me the moment I even acknowledge his presence in order to have you understand that in a discarnate condition lessons cannot really be learned. You are confronted with addictions, ties, all the misconceptions and their application only when you're in a physical body.
Now Luci's camp, they're pretty good at robbing bodies. They're pretty good at even using bodies for what they want to use them for and then discarding them. Even though our Father's camp created them, they are His product, and He has the right to destroy them if He wants to, in a flash. He is much more restrained in how He would even permit any of His members to use bodies. He cares for them more. He protects them more.
Luci's camp will influence you to do a task, and not really get themselves that involved, try to get you to do a task for them. And they're convinced that they are doing themselves a big favor. They're also, in the process, avoiding putting themselves in a lesson opportunity circumstance, because when they're doing that they are out of body, or they're staying in their - this gets kind of awkward here - in their advanced body form. It seems strange, it's very confusing to realize that Luci and many, many members in Luci's camp, can have what humans at this point in an Age, can see as un-human vehicles. And you think: un-human? Un-human? They're Heavenly vehicles? They're glorified bodies, they're physical bodies of the Kingdom of Heaven?
Okay, at this point we have to go back and remember that when Satan was booted out of the Household of our Father's Corporation, he had a "heavenly body" in the making. According to the record, he took a third of the heavens with him, must have been a bunch of people, and they had "heavenly bodies" in the making. They also had a lot of technical, advanced information, beyond human technology. They knew how to get from here to there in different means, certainly, than humans in this Age would know. Some knew how to appear and disappear. They had a body that had all kinds of capacity that human flesh on this planet, in this Age, do not have. Don't be confused, they are not "Heavenly bodies." Heaven is where our Father is. They were cast out of where our Father is. The moment they were cast out, they no longer had Heavenly bodies, they had what was left of a partially completed heavenly body - a hybrid similar to what would happen if a caterpillar were removed from the chrysalis before it became a butterfly. What do I mean by "what was left"? Once they were cast out of where our Father's camp is, they began to be in a condition of perishable and.... What's the other term?
Student: Corruptible?
Do: Corruptible. That's right. The most normal conditions for them are corruptible and perishable. Their bodies become perishable, which is the only thing they're concerned with. They're not concerned with "corruptible" because they're on a different path of "real knowledge." Once they became perishable, they even know it. If you read the records supposedly of people who've had encounters with space aliens, whether it's Adamski's camp, or we could sit and talk about that kind of stuff for some time, about so-called encounters of the third kind or the fourth kind, where they got information from certain space aliens that would say, "It isn't exactly like you're told in your Bible. We do lose our bodies, but we live a lot longer than your bodies. They might last several hundred years or they might have an extension quite a bit longer than yours." Therefore, the person who's hearing all that thinks that he's listening to members of the Kingdom of Heaven, that he's coming to the reality of what the Kingdom of Heaven really is, and he's shocked by it. He thinks, "Wow, all those religious ideas I had were off base," not realizing that the camp he's talking to created those off-base religious ideas, and even now is selling you, or selling that individual who's having that experience, on "I am from the Kingdom of Heaven. We did create those religions on your planet. We are trying to help you move up the ladder so that you could serve in our kingdom, and help us in our pursuit of 'universal mind,' 'cosmic consciousness,' becoming 'gods'."
Okay, wow! there are some identifying features of those vehicles that they wear, not all of them, but some of them. Some of those vehicles they wear still have gender, still have age. Don't forget, Luci and his camp retained a lot of their intelligence, a lot of their skill capacity, a lot of their technical proficiency. They know how to make spacecrafts. I'm sure, measured by our Father's Kingdom, their spacecrafts are pitiful in comparison, because even at the point that Luci and his crowd left, they knew a little bit more than the model T, in comparison, as far as spacecrafts are concerned. But they do know spacecrafts. They do know how to travel in space. They do know how to move into parts of the heavens that certainly humans on this planet still find closed to them as they try to get out of here a little bit - go to the moon, and then into this orbit and that one. We're just barely beginners - or the humans here are. Of course, they're really getting into a world that doesn't belong to them. And Luci and his camp are circulating in a world that does not belong to them. But they can't get into our Father's community; that is still held separate.
Most of them will either appear to be male or female in some quality. Even though they might be losing some of their "maleness" or their "femaleness," frequently not of their own choice, but because when in outer space and you're outside of the vibration of a planet that has the kind of fertilizer and the ingredients that are primary to this garden, to this planet, they can lose their capacity to reproduce. Not that they would want to, but in spite of their desires. So, they have to come and rob vehicles. They have to do artificial insemination. They have to do genetic experimentation. Now, as I said before, how much of this they do on this garden, to what extent, and to what extent the reports that we've heard are true, I do not know the particulars. It has not been given me to know them. And I feel, in a sense, it's our protection that we don't know them. But I do know that in our Father's Kingdom, in a sense, everyone is the same age. I'm talking about the vehicle they wear. Because as long as they stay in that protected environment, and do work in His Kingdom, there is no aging. It's as if the vehicles are all the same age. They are indestructible, imperishable, and they can't be led off track. They can't be corrupted as long as they stay in our Father's Kingdom.
Now, if you stay in this world that we would still call part of the heavens, it still has many members in it that are not of our Father's Kingdom. And their vehicles then have to be concerned with age and protection, because they don't have good enough control, even though they're working on it very hard, that would allow them to just go to "wardrobe" and pick up another vehicle. They're constantly, or frequently, trying to master the techniques of developing "wardrobe," of developing vehicles. And here again, they're trying to copy our Father's Kingdom so that you wouldn't know the difference. Because in our Father's Kingdom there might be a number of different types of "wardrobe" or "suits of clothes" that souls could wear. There might be little ones, and there might be middle-sized ones, and big ones. And they might have different shapes, and different colored skin, and certain different things. I'm sure that our Father's Kingdom, if our Father's Kingdom wants to use them, could certainly create what we would call robots in order to put certain things in certain areas if he didn't want to take a chance on losing a soul. So, it's just an extended device, it's a technical advancement.
Lucifer has his robots. He has his counterfeits. He has his copy of the things that are in our Father's Kingdom, but they're always lousy. If they really got under the microscope by those who were in the know, they would know they (the copies) couldn't cut it. They'd throw you in jail because they're counterfeit. Okay, it's because they do not have life eternal. They do not have incorruption. Now, this gets me into another topic that's on our list of questions. Incorruption. Well, let's go to our next question.
Student: Well, would you like to talk now about the term "resurrection" and how it has changed?
Do: Okay. "Resurrection" has a little different connotation than "Life" or "Death." Resurrection is more like a condition that you could apply to a soul when it enters a vehicle and comes in to life. Now in order to come in, if a soul is entering a vehicle and it's coming into life, then it means that it must have advanced pretty far in getting rid of misinformation and bringing in real information. Because, don't forget, Life and Truth are synonymous. So, if it's bringing in real information, it's an advanced soul. It's one that has had a lot of teaching from our Father's Kingdom and has made that choice. It, in a sense, is very close to overcoming.
A couple of illustrations that we might think of - let's take the Bible, in the book of Revelation. It talks of a first resurrection and a second resurrection at the close of the Age. If a group of souls comes in and they are advanced souls, they are from our Father's Kingdom, they are alive. Now, being from our Father's Kingdom meant that they once had to graduate into that Kingdom, or they're being protected in that Kingdom because they still have a few little major touchups to be done so they'd be a good match to a vehicle of that Kingdom, so that they wouldn't still have desires that could not be fulfilled by that wardrobe or that vehicle that they would get in our Father's Kingdom. If a mind that is that advanced in the ways of our Father's Kingdom comes and takes a flesh body in the human kingdom, then it has brought that body into life. It is suddenly living. It has resurrected. It has taken a dead, worthless plant and turned it into the epitome of life. From a human's point of view - not from the point of view of our Father's Kingdom, but from a human's point of view - it is the most alive thing around. It possesses the most Truth (the facts) that can be had.
Now, I'm afraid that here I need to get a little personal, because in the same sense that as we speak to you out there, those who are listening to these sessions, I might be mistaken, but the information that has been given to me suggests that you are going to be a part of what the book of Revelation calls the "Second Resurrection." In other words, in order for you to identify with the knowledge that is coming through us as we give it to you and for you to recognize it as from our Father's Kingdom, in order for you to recognize that knowledge means you have to have a lot of that knowledge already, even though it might have been pretty well in a dormant condition. A lot of that mind has to be in you or slightly outside of your vehicle craving to get in and wanting to take that vehicle. In a sense, if you do have some of that information, then you were once given a gift of migrating to where that information was. You received a lot of that information and you applied a lot of that information. At a given time when you lost a vehicle, the Next Level took your soul and put it aside carefully and protected it for the end of the Age and said, "Now you can go back and finish up those little areas that you didn't have that much control in, because," (Whoops! Here we get to another touchy point) "because we're sending other Representatives from the Kingdom of Heaven who can help you with the task of finishing up your overcoming, getting Luci out of the way, developing muscle in not listening to him, learning the difference between the Truth that can be gained through asking from the untruth or the misinformation that is fed to us without asking." The untruth always gets us back into the world, back into ties, back into addictions. Luci's camp counts on keeping you "drunk" by having you addicted to the world - addicted even in concepts, addicted in misinformation, not to say the least, addicted to the wrong kinds of things to put in your vehicle, whether it be drugs, or booze, or overconsuming, or wrong kinds of patterns.
Of course, we get into an element here that's also very, very touchy ground that we've all been through, but we have to eventually face that it is the worst drug of all. And that was the drug of when we chose - and when I speak of "we" here, I speak as representatives of the offspring, the family tree, of Adam and Eve - that when they fell and they took on the responsibility of reproductive activity, then of course, all the spirits that came into those vehicles down that chain of offspring also participated in that misinformation, saying, "Oh, God gave me this capacity to reproduce." Now, what I'm getting at, the worst addiction that exists Oh oh, I thought God was love. Luci uses that term. He even would have you believe that sex is love. I'm sorry. That one's a lie. Ultimately, even though we have all been hooked on that same drug, we've all gone through that period, don't forget, we took advantage of the hothouse. We took advantage of the negative. We took advantage of the fact that we were products of those who went astray. We learned from their lessons. We've overcome them.
But still, sex is the strongest drug - there's not a drug, there's not a morphine, or anything that is produced by chemicals, or plants of this world as strong as that drug. That drug requires that you even let one of Luci's technicians in that department absolutely take control of your mind and have you possessed with the fulfillment of that act. He knows that as long as you participate in that drug your capacity for recognizing the Truth (the facts) is just about as good as it is for someone who's had a half a dozen martinis, and you say to them, "Are you clear-headed? Can we really talk about significant information"? And they say, (slurred voice) "I'm just as clear-headed as I ever am." I don't mean that just while in the act of that reproductive activity, I'm talking about as long as even those reproductive hormones are active in your system, as long as they're still cycling, you will be working against the drunkenness of that drug. Now, I know that this could sound just as far out as anything could sound, but down in your heart, if you're from my Father's Kingdom, you know that Jesus was not a sexual creature. His M.O. presented itself as one that Luci would have you interpret wrongly. In other words, Luci would have you think Jesus was pure, having never needed to overcome anything. But regardless of how Luci would twist things, you know that He was pure.
Let's take the term "virginity" as another wrong application of terms. Luci says that a virgin is someone that is pure. But he tacks on another addition to that definition. He says: one who has never had sexual activity. Virginity - pure in the physical - yes. Correct definition. But virginity meaning someone who has not had sexual activity? No, wrong application, wrong definition. Therefore, I can recover my virginity. I can become a virgin. In a sense, someone who has never - if you really think of the soul's existence - who has never participated in it, they don't even know what there is to overcome about it. Unfortunately, we can rest pretty assured that there's no one in this Earth Age that has been lucky enough to not participate in it, save, maybe a few isolated cases. I'm not saying that our Father's Kingdom says, of necessity, you must stoop to participate in that and overcome it, though it may be the case. It's safe to say that there is a spectrum of addictions, indulged in because of ignorance or misinformation, that a human cannot go through a lifetime without falling prey to. The truth is that when you are confronted with it - if you are confronted with it - and then confronted with it, and confronted with it, even lifetime after lifetime, and you refuse it, the amount of effort it takes to not experiment is less effort than experimenting and then withdrawing from it. It doesn't do any good to not participate if you haven't learned the lessons. The same "muscle" hasn't been developed against that drug that would be developed had you given into it, participated in it, gotten totally addicted to it, and then had to withdraw from that addiction with the help of your asking to withdraw from or get out of that addiction. So, unfortunately, here we had to face the issue of some real no-no's.
Let's go back to "resurrection." Your possible resurrection. As far as I can tell, what I have been given says that if you can see the Kingdom of Heaven, if you can see the Truth (reality) in what is coming through this vehicle, it is not of this vehicle, it is not me, but it has been given to me, and even says, "Now that it has been given to you, it's yours." But any of us can abuse it. Any of us can twist it - can take responsibility for it. We can think, "Boy, look at what good ideas I came up with." And the moment we think that way and don't give credit to the source.... Don't forget, information comes from two sources - from our Father's Kingdom or from misinformation. And when I receive it, if I make the mistake of taking credit for it, I am starting to separate at that point. As far as I can tell, the information that has been given to me through Ti, through our Father's Kingdom, says, "If you recognize this information, you have been in the Kingdom of Heaven." Oh, wow! That's a new thought. Yes, you have been in the Kingdom of Heaven. If nothing more than "saved on ice" for this time, you've been in the Kingdom of Heaven. And you have now come back and, in a sense, you're standing outside of a vehicle, trying to use that vehicle. You probably picked one with the help of our Father's Kingdom. You probably picked a vehicle that might be open to being accepting of this information, so that you can then try to move into that vehicle.
Now, what does that mean? Does that mean you're a "vehicle robber"? You're a "body snatcher"? No, our Father's Kingdom assigned you that vehicle. They even assigned you that vehicle, to a degree, at its inception, and you've been checking on it from time to time, relating to it from time to time, until this time - until you start to hear this information. And at the time you start relating to it to this degree, then it becomes your task to start to get into that vehicle.
I can remember so well that when Ti and I were first working with our students, when we had taken them out of the world, separate and in isolation, and we were getting down to the nitty gritty, the information kept coming through our heads, and we would say to them, "Get in your vehicle! Susie, get in your vehicle! Johnny, get in your vehicle!" Because any time we would hear something that we knew was not an example of the knowledge of the Kingdom of Heaven, then they were not in their vehicles. Someone else was speaking. So, our hope and our prayer for your sake is that you will start getting into that vehicle. You will start warding off all the bombardment that you will begin to hear that says, "Boy, is this guy crazy. Is this a cult if I ever heard of one"? Yes, it is a cult. I mean, it's the cult of cults. It's the cult of Truth. And we know what the world would like to do with it. We know that nothing can happen to us. I have nothing to fear if I am a child of my Heavenly Father. Nor do you. But are you going to be satisfied with just being a child of your Heavenly Father, or are you going to take advantage of an opportunity to overcome the world with the help that Ti has sent you, so that you can enter His Kingdom and not need to return? The only reason that He gave us instruction to give you these sessions and these classrooms was to offer you a second resurrection, a chance to come in, finish your task, and enter His Kingdom.
And I see that we're down to 5 seconds. We'll see you in our
next session.
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