Mental Health, Religion & Culture
This journal publishes theoretical and empirical papers regarding the intersection of psychology, religion and culture.
Entries are listed in order of publication. The format used here is Title of the article, followed on the next line by the authors, page numbers, volume and issue numbers. You can find more information about this journal on my page of resources.
1998, Volume 1
- Editorial
Dein, Simon, & Loewenthal, Kate Miriam, 5-10 1 1
- Personality and the psychology of religion.
Eysenck, Michael W., 11-20 1 1
- Religious and indigenous treatment of mental illness in South India--A descriptive study.
Campion, Jonathan, & Bhugra, Dinesh, 21-30 1 1
- The influence of religion on the suicide rate: Islam and Hinduism compared.
Ineichen, Bernard, 31-36 1 1
- A cross-cultural analysis of religion and life satisfaction.
Dorahy, Martin J.; Lewis, Christopher Alan; Schumaker, John F.; Akuamoah-Boateng, Robert; Duze, M. C., & Sibiya, Thokozile E., 37-44 1 1
- A survey on the views of trainees in psychiatry regarding religious issues.
Roskes, E. J., Dixon, L., & Lehman, A., 45-56 1 1
- A religious interest questionnaire for use with psychiatric patients.
Littlewood, Roland, & Lipsedge, Maurice, 57-72 1 1
- (Editorial) Holy healing: The growth of religious and spiritual therapies.
Dein, Simon, & Loewenthal, Kate Miriam, 85-90 1 2
- Long-term effects of religious upbringing
Hansen, Cheri, 91-112 1 2
- Psychotherapy and the spiritual quest
Pitchon, Eduardo, 113-126 1 2
- The use of traditional healers by Asian psychiatric patients in the UK: A pilot study.
Sembhi, S., & Dein, S., 127-134 1 2
- Satisfied customers: Miracles at the Vineyard Christian Fellowship.
Kennedy, Paul, 135-152 1 2
- Moral psychiatry: Justice in the modern world, in Hebraic civilization and in psychiatric practice, Part 1.
Baruk, Henri (trans. Barry Lent), 153-164 1 2
- The relationship between religiosity and mental health: Distinguishing between shame and guilt.
Luyten, P., Corveleyn, J., & Fontaine, J. R., 165-184 1 2
- The relationship between intelligence and religiosity.
Francis, Leslie J., 185-196 1 2
1999, Volume 2
- Editorial
Dein, S., & Loewenthal, K. M., 5-8 2 1
- Soul searching within the service
Foskett, J. H., 11-18 2 1
- In God we trust? Organised religion and personal beliefs as resources and coping strategies, and their implications for health in parents with a child on the autistic spectrum.
Coulthard P., & Fitzgerald, M. 19-34 2 1
- Anxiety, depression, and religiosity--a controlled clinical study
Pfeifer, S., & Waelty, U. 35-46 2 1
- Moral psychiatry: Justice in the modern world, in Hebraic civilisation and in psychiatric practice, Part 2
Baruk, H. (trans. B. Lent), 47-58 2 1
- Meditation and attention: A comparison of the effects of concentrative and mindfulness meditation on sustained attention
Valentine, E. R., & Sweet, P. L. G., 59-70 2 1
- Personality and religiosity in a Greek Christian Orthodox sample
Youtika, A., Joseph, S., & Diduca, D., 71-74 2 1
- Why do people join the Hare Krishna movement? Deprivaiton theory revisited
Dein, S., & Barlow, H., 75-84 2 1
- Editorial: Mysticism and psychiatry
Dein, S., & Loewenthal, K.M., 101-104 2 2
- Is the relationship between religiosity and personality 'contaminated' by social desirability as assessed by the Lie Scale? A methodological reply to Michael W. Eysenck (1998)
Lewis, C. A., 105-114 2 2
- A response to Christopher Alan Lewis (1999), 'Is the relationship between religiosity and prsonality 'contaminated' by social desirability as assessed by the Lie Scale?'
Eysenck, M. W., 115-116 2 2
- Religiosity and its association with happiness, purpose in life, and self-actualisation
French, S., & Joseph, S., 117-120 2 2
- Cross-cultural differences in explanations for health and illness: A British and Ugandan comparison
Furnham, A., & Baguma, P., 121-134 2 2
- Moral psychiatry: Justice in the modern world, in Hebraic civilisation and in psychiatric practice,k Part 3
Baruk, H. (trans. B. Lent), 135-144 2 2
- Religion and the judgment of obsessionality
Yossifova, M., & Loewenthal, K. M., 145-152 2 2
- Mental health, prayer and church attendance among primary schoolteachers
Francis, L. J., & Johnson, P., 153-158 2 2
2000, Volume 3
- Some reflections on spirituality, religion and mental health
Carr, W., 1-12 3 1
- The functioning of religions from a modern psychoanalytic perspective
Black, D. M., 13-26 3 1
- The relationship between bible reading and purpose of life among 13-15 - year-olds
Francis, L. J., 27-36 3 1
- Religiosity and social desirability: A response to Eyssenck (1999)
Joseph, S., 37-38 3 1
- The religiosity-psychoticism relationship and the two factors of social desirability: A response to Michael W. Eysenck
Lewis, C. A., 39-46 3 1
- Moral psychiatry: Justice in the modern world, in Hebraic civilisation and in psychiatric practice, part 4
Baruk, H., 47-56 3 1
- Correlates of spirituality and well-being in a community sample of people living with HIV disease
Somlai, A. M., & Heckman, T. G., 57-70 3 1
- Psychological research questions about yoga
Watts, F., 71-84 3 1
- The relation between religion and racism: The role of post-critical beliefs
Duriez, B., & Hutsebaut, D., 85-102 3 1
- Apocalyptic suicide
Dien, S., & Littlewood, R., 109-114 3 2
- All in faith: Religion as the idiom and means of coping with distress
Heilman, S. C., & Witztum, E., 115-124 3 2
- Muslem attitudes towards religion scale: Factors, validity and complexity of relationships with mental health in Iran
Ghorbani, N., Watson, P.J., Ghramaleki, A.F., Morris, R.J., & Hood, R.W.Jr., 125-132 3 2
- Unmasking the clerical persona: Interpreting the correlation between neuroticism and lie scale factors among Roman Catholic and female Anglican clergy
Francis, L.J., Louden, S.H., Robbins, M., & Rutledge, C.F., 133-142 3 2
- Mental health promotion through the dialogue of different philosophies and professions. An interdisciplinary training in mental health
Tomcsanyi, T., 143-156 3 2
- A Platonic delusion: The identification of psychosis and mysticism
Kemp, D., 157-172 3 2
2001, Volume 4
- Personhood and disease in Alcoholics Anonymous: A perspective from the anthropology of relgious healing
Swora, M.G., 1-22, 4 1
- Psychological types of male and female Bible College students in England
Francis, L.J., Penson, A.W., & Jones, S.H., 23-32 4 1
- Does religion affect humour creation? An experimental study
Saroglou, V., & Jaspard, J.M., 33-46 4 1
- Zar: Gropu distress and healing
Al-Adawi, S.H., Martin, R.G., Al-Salmi, A., & Ghassani, H. 47-62 4 1
- Schizotypy and religiosity in 13-18 year old school pupils
Joseph, S., & Diduca, D., 63-70 4 1
- Attitudes of the public to mental health: A church congregation
Gray, A.J., 71-80 4 1
- A tale of two orphans: The limits of categorization
Berke, J.H., & Schneider, S., 81-94 4 1
- Book Reviews
- Integrating spirituality into treatment: Resources for practitioners (by Miller; reviewed by McMinn)
- Mysticism and cognition: The cognitive development of John of the Cross as revealed in his works (by Mark; reviewed by Watts)
- Religious violence in contemporary Japan: The case of Aum Shinyikyo (by Reader; reviewed by Ineichen)
- Handbook of psychotherapy and religious diversity (by Richards & Bergin; reviewed by Loewenthal)
- Psychology and religion: An introduction (by M. Argyle; reviewed by L.J. Francis)
- God images and self-worth among adolescents in Scotland
L. J. Francis, H. M. Gibson, & M. Robbins, 103-108, 4, 2
- The role of Christian commitment in predicting drug use amongst church affiliated young people
L. C. Hope & C. C. H. Cook, 109-118, 4, 2
- Pleasing to behold: Healing and the visualized body
K. Mullen, 119-132, 4, 2
- Religion, risk prevention and health promotion in adolescents: A community-based approach
N. C. Frank & S. J. Kendall, 133-148, 4, 2
- Twelve myths of religion and psychiatry: Lessons for training psychiatrists in spiritually sensitive treatments
B. R. Coyle, 149-174, 4, 2
- The mercy of anxiety: A relational-psychoanalytic study of Dialogues des Carmelites
H. A. Alma & T. H. Zock, 175-192, 4, 2
- Mysticism and mental health in the work of Marion Milner
K. A. Raab, 193-208, 4, 2
- Mania precipitated by meditation: A case report and literature review
G. A. Yorston, 209-214, 4, 2
2002, Volume 5
- Jerusalem syndrome as reflected in the pilgrimage and biographies of four extraordinary women from the 14th century to the end of the second millennium
Kalian, M., & Witztum, E., 1-16, 5, 1
- Relationship between church attendance and mental health among Mormons and non-Mormons in Utah
Merrill, R.M., & Salazar, R.D., 17-33, 5, 1
- The importance of religiosity and values in predicting political attitudes: evidence for the continuing importance of religiosity in Flanders (Belgium)
Duriez, B., Luyten, P., Snauwaert, B., & Hutsebaut, D., 35-54, 5, 1
- Image of God and personality pathology: An exploratory study among psychiatric patients
Schaap-Jonker, H., Eurelings-Bontekoe, E., Berhagen, P.J., & Zock, H., 55-71, 5, 1
- Religious orientation and its association with personality, schizotypal traits and manic-depressive experiences
Joseph, S., Smith, D., & Diduca, D., 73-81, 5, 1
- A reappraisal of medieval mysticism and hysteria
Kroll, J., Bachrach, B., & Carey, K., 83-98, 5, 1
Book Reviews
- Exploring Luke's gospel: a guide to the gospel readings in the Revised Common Lectionary, by Francis & Atkins, reviewed by Lewis
- Parish nursing: Promoting whole person health within faith communities, by Solari-Twadell & McDermot (Eds.), reviewed by Auterman
- The battle for God: Fundamentalism in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, by Armstrong, reviewed by Ineichen
- Implicit religion: An introduction, by Bailey, reviewed by Swatos
- Religion, health, and suffering, by Hinnells & Porter (Eds.), reviewed by Gilliat-Ray
- Measures of religiosity, by Hill & Wood (Eds.), reviewed by Lewis
- Religion and prevention in mental health: Research, vision, and action, by Pargament, Maton, & Hess (Eds.), reviewed by Greenberg
- Suicide beliefs and behaviour among young Muslims and Hindus in the UK
Kamal, Z., & Loewenthal, K. M., 111-118, 5, 2
- Haunted by somatic tendencies: Spirit infestation as psychogenic illness
Houran, J., Kumar, V. K., Thalbourne, M. A., & Lavertue, N. E., 119-134, 5, 2
- Are charismatic clergy more satisfied with their ministry? A study among male parochial clergy in the Church of England
Francis, L. J., & Turton, D. W., 135-142, 5, 2
- Making space: Spirituality and mental health
Leibrich, J., 143-162, 5, 2
- Religious experience, religious orientation and schizotypy
Maltby, J., & Day, L., 163-174, 5, 2
- The personality characteristics of male Evanglical clergy: Denominational differences in the UK
Francis, L. J, 175-182, 5, 2
- Beyond dogmatism: The need for closure as related to religion
Saroglou, V., 183-194, 5, 2
- Personality of male Anglican clergy in England: Revisited using the 16PF5
Musson, D. J., 195-206, 5, 2
Book Reviews
- Psychiatry and religion: The convergence of mind and spirit, edited by Boehnlein, reviewed by Bhugra
- Die empirische Psychologie des Glaubens: Historische und systematische Studien zu den Pionieren der Religionspsychologie, by Huxel, reviewed by Batthyany
- The future of religion: Postmodern perspectives, edited Lamb & Cohn-Sherbok, reviewed by Barnes
- Personality type in congregations: How to work with others more effectively, by Baab, reviewed by Francis
- Pentecostals in Britain, by Kay, reviewed by Hunt
- Confronting terrorism: An effective path to peace in the 21st century, edited by Ahlgrim et al., reviewed by Lewis
- Handbook of religion and health, by Koenig, McCullough & Larson, reviewed by Loewenthal
- Sanity and sanctity: Mental health work among hte ultra-orthodox in Jerusalem, by Greenberg & Witztum, reviewed by Loewenthal
- Abuse and religious experience: A study of religiously committed evangelical adults
Kennedy, P., & Drebing, C.E., 225-238, 5, 3
- Self-concept: Psychosis and attraction of new religious movements
Bhugra, D., 239-252, 5, 3
- Approaches to religiosity related to anxiety among college students
Harris, J.I., Schonemann, S.W., & Carrera, S.R., 253-266, 5, 3
- The validation of a religiosity measure for individuals with schizophrenia
Siddle, R., Haddock, G., Tarrier, N., & Faragher, E.B., 267-284, 5, 3
- Depression in South Asian women: Asian women's beliefs on causes and cures
Hussain, F.A., & Cochrane, R., 285-312, 5, 3
- Common themes and structures in male victims' stories of religion and sexual abuse
Ganzevoort, R.R., 313-326, 5, 3
2003, Volume 6
- New age: Exploration of outlook-on-life frameworks from a phenomenological perspective
Norlander, T., Gard, L., Lindholm, L., & Archer, T., 1-20, 6, 1
- Living with depression: Coping strategies used by South Asian women, living in the UK, suffering from depression
Hussain, F.A., & Cochrane, R., 21-44, 6, 1
- Personality variables, self-esteem and depression and an individual's perception of God
Greenway, A.P., Milne, L.C., & Clarke, V., 45-58, 6, 1
- Jonathan Martin: Prophet and incendiary
Lipsedge, M., 59-78, 6, 1
- Vivisecting the religious mind: Religiosity and motivated social cognition
Duriez, B., 79-86, 6, 1
- Eysenck's dimensional model of personality and religion: Are religious people more neurotic?
Francis, L.J., & Jackson, C.J., 87-100, 6, 1
Book Reviews:
- The other Freud: Religion, culture and psychoanalysis, by Dicenso, reviewed by Beit-Hallahmi
- Witchcraft and magic in Europe: Volume 6, the twentieth century, by Blecourt, Hutton & la Fontaine, reviewed by Berger
- Religious therapeutics: Body and health in yoga, ayurveda, and tantra, by Fields, reviewed by Buxton
- Religious facilitation through intense liturgical participation: A quasi-experimental study of Taize pilgrims, by Eek, reviewed by Kay
- Spiritual dimensions of pastoral care: Practical theology in a multidisciplinary context, by Willows & Swinton (Eds.), reviewed by Kay
- Exploring Matthew's Gospel: A guide to the gospel readings in the Revised Common Lectionary, by Francis & Atkins, reviewed by Lewis
- Hauntings and poltergeists: Multidisciplinary perspectives, by Houran & Lange (Eds.), reviewed by Tilley
- The link between religion and health: Psychoneuroimmunology and the faith factor, by Koenig & Cohen (Eds.), reviewed by Watts
Special Issue: Clinically Significant Religious Impairment
- Guest Editorial: Clinically significant religious impairment: Introduction to special issue
Hathaway, W.L., 111-112, 6, 2
- Clinically significant religious impairment
Hathaway, W.L., 113-130, 6, 2
- Ethical issues in considering 'religious impairment' in diagnosis
Yarhouse, M.A., 131-148, 6, 2
- Assessing clinically significant religious impairment in clients: Applications from measures in teh psychology of religion and spirituality
Hill, P.C., & Kilian, M.K., 149-160, 6, 2
- Religious issues in diagnosis: The V-Code and beyond
Scott, S., Garver, S., Richards, J., & Hathaway, W.L., 161-174, 6, 2
- Development of a model for clinical assessment of religious coping: Initial validation of the Process Evaluation Model
Butter, E.M., & Pargament, K.I., 6, 2
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