Welcome to the Careers in Psychology page. My primary motive in developing this site is to help undergraduate students learn what they can do with a degree in psychology.
The resources on this page focus on: (1) careers in psychology at the bachelor's, master's, and doctoral level and (2) academic information about psychology at the bachelor's and graduate levels. Much of this material was developed for use in Careers in Psychology, a one-credit, required course for psychology majors at Georgia Southern University (see an old course syllabus).
I would like to acknowledge the contributions of Dr. Janice H. Kennedy in the development of a number of the resources listed here and Dr. Russell A. Dewey for coding and editing these documents.
Thanks to Psychology Jobs, "the leading, independent portal for jobs in psychology," for sponsoring this archive of Marky Lloyd's Careers in Psychology page.
Making the Most of Your Undergraduate Years
This section will help you focus on your goals for college and career.
Exploring Career-Related Abilities, Interests, Skills, and Values
This section offers suggestions for assessing your academic abilities, interests, skills, and values to help you clarify your career and academic goals.
Entry-level Jobs for Psychology Majors
This section will help you learn about some of the entry-level jobs available to psychology majors.
Master's- and Doctoral-level Careers in Psychology and Related Areas
This section describes a number of psychology and psychology-related career options that require graduate degrees.
Graduate School Options for Psychology Majors
This section will help you learn about graduate programs in psychology, education, and social work that will prepare you for work in psychology and psychology-related careers. Subsections include:
Graduate School: The Application Process Including:
Thank you for visiting the Careers in Psychology Page. If you have questions, comments, or corrections regarding the contents of documents, please send feedback to Dr. Lloyd's colleague Dr. Dewey at psywww@gmail.com. Suggestions for additions to this page are always welcome.
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